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Pipe Level Analysis

Pipe level analysis is conducted on individual lengths of pipe. Leak records and break records are used to determine what method of renovation or replacement is best suited to the high ranked pipes. An estimation from records is used to determine a defect size for long-term calculations.

Workflow to analyse liner requirements based on individual pipe segments

Step I: Failure History

Number of past failures: Number of past failures for a pipe section. The number of past failures may also be associated with a number of recent years. E.g. Number of failures in the last three years.

(Click to see User Manual - Liner selection for more information)
Dominant failure type: The most common failure type of the following failure modes: Broken back, piece blown off, longitudinal crack, hole, leak, joint leak, tapping leak, 3rd party damage and none.

(Click to see User Manual - Liner selection for more information)
Advanced Parameters Click to show
Tolerable number or bursts or interuptions: This number is used as a high-level check of the pipe segment to ensure that a warning is raised when the past number of failures over the specified time period exceeds this specific number.

(Click to see User Manual - Liner selection for more information)